Response of early lactation Holstein cows to partial replacement of neutral detergent soluble fibre for starch in diets varying in forage particle size. |
January |
2014 |
Pharmacokinetics of pioglitazne, athiazolidinedione derivative, in male Naeini ( Iranian fat-tailed) sheep. |
September |
2012 |
Effects of feeding pistachio by-products silage on growth performance, serum metabolites and urine characteristics in Holstein male calves. J0urnal of Animal Physiology and animal Nutrition. |
August |
2012 |
Effects of betaine and sulfate supplementation on milk and wool production of Naenini ewes. |
February |
2012 |
Lactational performance and milk fatty acid profile of Holstein cows in response to dietary fat supplements and forage: Concentrate ratio. |
December |
2012 |
Effects of Restricted Feeding and Re-Feeding in Growth Lambs: Intake, Growth and Body Organs Development. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances. |
April |
2011 |
Effects of feeding roasted safflower seeds (variety IL-111) and fish oil on dry matter intake, performance and milk fatty acid profiles in dairy cattle. |
April |
2011 |
Increased colostral somatic cell counts reduce pre-weaning calf immunity, health and growth. |
October |
2010 |
Short communication: Effects of dietary fat supplements and forage: concentrate ratio on feed intake, feeding, and chewing behavior of Holstein dairy cows. |
September |
2010 |
Physiological calf responses to increased chromium supply in summer. |
September |
2010 |
Safflower seeds in corn silage and alfalfa hay based early lactation diets: A practice within an optimum forage choice. |
Winter |
2010 |
Increased colostral somatic cell counts reduce pre-weaning calf immunity, health and growth. Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition. |
October |
2010 |
Short communication: Effects of dietary fat supplements and forage: concentrate ratio on feed intake, feeding, and chewing behavior of Holstein dairy cows. |
September |
2010 |
Relative Contributions of Ruminal Bacteria, Protozoa and Fungi to Degradation of Forage Fiber Fractions. |
March |
2009 |
Ground versus steam-rolled barley grain for lactating cows: A clarification into conventional beliefs. |
Spring |
2009 |
Effects of lucerne particle size and source of dietary carbohydrates on in situ degradation and ruminal variables in sheep. |
September |
2009 |
Relative Contributions of Ruminal Bacteria, Protozoa and Fungi to Degradation of Forage Fiber Fractions. |
March |
2009 |
Corn silage partially replacing short alfalfa hay to optimize forage use in total mixed rations for lactating cows. |
August |
2008 |
Effect of inclusion of nutral detergent soluble fiber sources in diets varing in forage particle size on feed intake, digestive processes, and performance of mid-lactating Holstein cows. |
August |
2008 |
Effects of dietary whole cottonseed and crude protein level on rumen protozoal population and fermentation parameters. |
Spring |
2007 |
Ground, dry-rolled and steam-processed barley grain for midlactation Holstien cows. |
October |
2007 |
Soymilk as a novel milk replacer to stimulate early calf starter intake and reduce weaning age and costs. |
August |
2007 |
Rumen- protected methionine improves early-lactation performanc of dairy cattle under high ambient temperatures. |
November |
2007 |
Short Communiction: Canola meal as a substitute for cottonseed meal in diet of midlactation Holsteins. |
February |
2006 |
influence of hybrid and maturity on the nutritional value of corn silagee for lactating lactating dairy cows. |
October |
2005 |
Effect of treated wheat straw with exogenous fiber-dgrading enzymes on wool characteristics of ewe lambs. |
October |
2005 |
The effect of different processing methods of barley in Holstein dairy cows. |
Spring |
2004 |
Effects of a diet containing whole cottonseed on rumen protozoal population and fermentation parameters in sheep. |
May |
2004 |
Effects of feeding ground or steam - flaked broom sorghum and grround barley on performance of dairy cows in midlactation. |
September |
2004 |
In situ dry matter and crude protein digadbility in corn, wheat and millet grain. |
Spring |
2003 |
Effcts of Barly grain Particle size on Dairy cow performance. |
March |
2002 |
Effects of substituting sorghum grain for barley on Milk yield and composition of dairy cows. |
July |
2000 |
Effects of Yeast culture supplemantation of alfalfa silage or hay fcd to lactating dairy cows |
February |
1999 |
Effects of yeast on nitrate toxicity in dairy steer |
March |
1996 |