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Full Articles Published in International Journals
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Response of early lactation Holstein cows to partial replacement of neutral detergent soluble fibre for starch in diets varying in forage particle size. January 2014
Pharmacokinetics of pioglitazne, athiazolidinedione derivative, in male Naeini ( Iranian fat-tailed) sheep. September 2012
Effects of feeding pistachio by-products silage on growth performance, serum metabolites and urine characteristics in Holstein male calves. J0urnal of Animal Physiology and animal Nutrition. August 2012
Effects of betaine and sulfate supplementation on milk and wool production of Naenini ewes. February 2012
Lactational performance and milk fatty acid profile of Holstein cows in response to dietary fat supplements and forage: Concentrate ratio. December 2012
Effects of Restricted Feeding and Re-Feeding in Growth Lambs: Intake, Growth and Body Organs Development. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances. April 2011
Effects of feeding roasted safflower seeds (variety IL-111) and fish oil on dry matter intake, performance and milk fatty acid profiles in dairy cattle. April 2011
Increased colostral somatic cell counts reduce pre-weaning calf immunity, health and growth. October 2010
Short communication: Effects of dietary fat supplements and forage: concentrate ratio on feed intake, feeding, and chewing behavior of Holstein dairy cows. September 2010
Physiological calf responses to increased chromium supply in summer. September 2010
Safflower seeds in corn silage and alfalfa hay based early lactation diets: A practice within an optimum forage choice. Winter 2010
Increased colostral somatic cell counts reduce pre-weaning calf immunity, health and growth. Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition. October 2010
Short communication: Effects of dietary fat supplements and forage: concentrate ratio on feed intake, feeding, and chewing behavior of Holstein dairy cows. September 2010
Relative Contributions of Ruminal Bacteria, Protozoa and Fungi to Degradation of Forage Fiber Fractions. March 2009
Ground versus steam-rolled barley grain for lactating cows: A clarification into conventional beliefs. Spring 2009
Effects of lucerne particle size and source of dietary carbohydrates on in situ degradation and ruminal variables in sheep. September 2009
Relative Contributions of Ruminal Bacteria, Protozoa and Fungi to Degradation of Forage Fiber Fractions. March 2009
Corn silage partially replacing short alfalfa hay to optimize forage use in total mixed rations for lactating cows. August 2008
Effect of inclusion of nutral detergent soluble fiber sources in diets varing in forage particle size on feed intake, digestive processes, and performance of mid-lactating Holstein cows. August 2008
Effects of dietary whole cottonseed and crude protein level on rumen protozoal population and fermentation parameters. Spring 2007
Ground, dry-rolled and steam-processed barley grain for midlactation Holstien cows. October 2007
Soymilk as a novel milk replacer to stimulate early calf starter intake and reduce weaning age and costs. August 2007
Rumen- protected methionine improves early-lactation performanc of dairy cattle under high ambient temperatures. November 2007
Short Communiction: Canola meal as a substitute for cottonseed meal in diet of midlactation Holsteins. February 2006
influence of hybrid and maturity on the nutritional value of corn silagee for lactating lactating dairy cows. October 2005
Effect of treated wheat straw with exogenous fiber-dgrading enzymes on wool characteristics of ewe lambs. October 2005
The effect of different processing methods of barley in Holstein dairy cows. Spring 2004
Effects of a diet containing whole cottonseed on rumen protozoal population and fermentation parameters in sheep. May 2004
Effects of feeding ground or steam - flaked broom sorghum and grround barley on performance of dairy cows in midlactation. September 2004
In situ dry matter and crude protein digadbility in corn, wheat and millet grain. Spring 2003
Effcts of Barly grain Particle size on Dairy cow performance. March 2002
Effects of substituting sorghum grain for barley on Milk yield and composition of dairy cows. July 2000
Effects of Yeast culture supplemantation of alfalfa silage or hay fcd to lactating dairy cows February 1999
Effects of yeast on nitrate toxicity in dairy steer March 1996
Full Articles and Abstracts Published in International Conferences
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Influence of dietary supplementation with Echinacea powder on egg quality, yolk oxidative stability and reum biochmical parameter in laying hens February 2012
Effect of dietary Echinacea supplementation on performance and gut microflora of Leghorn laying hens. September 2011
Performance and milk fatty acid profile of Holstein dairy cows in response to dietary fat supplements and forage:concentrate ratio July 2011
Effective use of safflower seed in early lactation diets with alfalfa hay and corn silage. July 2009
Effects of yellow grease supplementation with two levels of forage to concentrate ratios on digestion and milk production of lactating dairy cows Summer 2009
Performance and physiological responses of Holstein calves undergoing heat stress to supplementation with Chromium-Methionine. Summer 2009
Compensatory Growth and non-Carcass Composition of Growing Lori-Bakhtiari Lambs November 2009
The effects of bacterial inoculation and fermentation characteristics and in vitro dry matter digestibility of maize silage. Summer 2008
Effects of Lactobacillus plantarum MTD1 on fermentation and nutritive value of low dry matter maize silage. Summer 2008
Optimizing forage use in total mixed rations for lactating cows. Proceedings of American dairy science Association. July 2008
Partial replacement of whole milk with soymilk stimulates early calf starter intake, saves milk, and reduces weaning age and costs. July 2007
Comparison of nutritive value of two Iranian safflower seed varieties for animal nutrition. Proceedings of 5th Euro Fed Lipid Congress. September 2007
In vitro gas measuring technique for evaluating quality of Iranian safflower seed and comparing them with other oil seed. September 2007
Quality assessment of drinking water offered to dairy cows in central Iran. July 2006
Effect of type of dietary fat and forage to concentrate ratio on performance, digestibility and blood parameters od dairy cow fed alfalfa based diets. September 2006
The effect of direct-feed fibrolytic enzyme on mid-lactating dairy cow’s performance and digestibility. June 2005
The effect of short dry periods on health disorders in dairy cattle. June 2005
The effect of different processing methods of barley in Holstein dairy cows.Gounal of Animal and Feed Science. Summer 2004
Effects of additives on fermentation quality and in vitro digestibility of millet silage. Summer 2004
The effects of substituting alfalfa hay with fibrolytic enzyme treated whteat straw on wool characteristics on Naieni lambs. September 2004
The effects of substituting treated wheat straw with fibrolytic enzymes for alfalfa hay on Naieni replacement ewe lambs performance. September 2004
Type and concentration effects of fibrolytic enzymes on wool characteristics in Bakhtiari replacement ewe lambs. July 2004
The effect of two types of fibrolytic enzymes with different con. On Bakhtiari replacement ewe lambs performances. July 2004
The effects of substituting treated wheat straw with fibrolytic enzymes for alfalfa hays on Naieni replacement ewe lambs performances. July 2004
Insitue dry matter and crud protein degradability of different varieties of three cerial grains. October 2003
Effects of dietary cottonseed and protein level on rumen protozoa. October 2003
Effects of yeast supplementation of alfalfa silage or alfalfa hay fed to lactating dairy cows. July 1992
Effect of dietary yeast supplementation on stabilizing rumen environment in dairy cows. July 1991
Effects of yeast on nitrate toxicity on dairy stears. July 1990

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